Home Lifestyle August sixth, 2023 [Deck Recipes]

August sixth, 2023 [Deck Recipes]

August sixth, 2023 [Deck Recipes]


Red Dragon Archfiend had a pan hit the top; Visas.lore.dek

New Product Deck: “Red Dragon Archfiend” Deck Featuring “Tarai”

3 Bone Archfiend
3 Tarai
2 Vision Resonator
2 Synkron Resonator
2 Crimson Resonator
3 Soul Resonator
2 Red Resonator
2 Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper
1 Wandering King Wildwind

1 Absolute Powerforce
3 Crimson Gaia
3 Resonator Call
3 Resonator Engine
1 Resonator Command
1 Synchro Rumble
2 Twin Twisters
2 Lightning Storm
1 Harpie’s Feather Duster

1 Red Zone
1 Time to Stand Up
1 Red Reign

2 Red Dragon Archfiend
2 Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
2 Red Rising Dragon
1 Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon
1 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss
1 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane
1 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity
1 Red Supernova Dragon
1 Ancient Pixie Dragon
1 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World

New Product Deck: “Visas” Deck

3 Visas Samsara
2 Assault Synchron
2 Revolution Synchron
3 Necroface
3 Scareclaw Reichheart
1 Elemental HERO Prisma
1 Visas Starfrost
1 Scareclaw Kashtira
1 Veda Kalanta
1 Veda Upanishad”

2 Primitive Planet Reichphobia
2 Tuning
1 Planetary Elegy”
1 Planetary Eulogy
1 Realm Resonance
1 Scareclaw Arrival
1 Scareclaw Defanging
1 New World – Amritara
1 Peaceful Planet Calarium
1 Foolish Burial Goods
1 Pressured Planet Wraitsoth
1 Instant Fusion
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Pot of Prosperity

1 Trivikarma
1 Loka Samsara
1 Sarv Sarga
1 A Shattered, Colorless Realm
1 Mannadium Reframing
1 Mannadium Breakheart

1 Mudragon of the Swamp
2 Vicious Astraloud
1 Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart
1 Mannadium Trilosukda
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Chaos Archfiend
1 Visas Amritara
1 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign – Chengying
1 Kashtira Arise-Heart
2 Scareclaw Light-Heart
1 Cross-Sheep
1 Scareclaw Tri-Heart
1 Linkmail Archfiend


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